Monday, June 15, 2009

GUND has released their new plush line called Aquatic Wonders. Each stuffed sea animal has a cute and unique look that only GUND has a way of pulling off. These plush toys include a white plush seal, dressed for success penguin, ocean blue dolphin, and a gray shark. We will take a look at the Aquatic Wonders Seal and Penguin below.

Stuffed SealOur first impression of this stuffed seal is that he definitely has a look of innocence about him. His sad black eyes, and defenseless posture makes the strongest of hearts melt.

GUND is well known for using eye size and placement to bring out their desired expression of a plush toy. In this case the seal appears to have an innocent look about him.

Additional features include a beautiful white plush offset by the black nose and whiskers along with a soft pillow like stuffing.

GUND takes a more playful approach to their stuffed penguins. With the head tilted slightly back and a smaller set of eyes, this plush penguin appears to be having fun on the ice.

GUND follows traditional lines with playfulness and penguins, just as they had done with innocence and seals above. You truly feel the mood of this stuffed penguin just by the eyes and tilted beak.

Additional features of this GUND penguin include a plump squishy body, black over white plush, and gray feet for accent.

Aquatic Wonders Seal and Penguin are sure to make a splash wherever you may find them. Congratulations GUND on another well done product line.